Monday, April 27, 2009

Surviving Infedelity by Rediscovering Your Marriage

surviving infedelity One of the first steps to surviving infedelity is understanding why a person would cheat. There are any number of reasons why a spouse chooses to be unfaithful... but the most common reason is simple that he or she is bored with the marriage. It's usually not about one spouse hating the other - often, it's quite the contrary. Most partners who cheat really do love their spouses... but something inside them is simply yearning for that "spark".

Remember how it was when you and your partner first met? Nearly every relationship goes through that sappy lovestruck phase... all you could think about was your partner, and every time you had to part for a few hours, you couldn't wait to be back together again.

Back then, your spouse felt desired. Everything was special and new.

As relationships continue, though, they often stagnate. Wonder and romance give way to routines and chores. The relationship loses its luster, and eventually, boredom sets in.

This usually affects one partner more than the other. Often, one partner finds the routine comforting, while the other feels stifled. Unfortunately, in some cases, this leads the bored spouse to seek excitement elsewhere... while still enjoying the benefits of marriage.

One of the keys to surviving infedelity and getting your relationship back on track is to continually rediscover your marriage. Line up a babysitter for the evening, and go out and try something you've never done before. It doesn't have to be anything big - it doesn't take a Mediterranean cruise to revitalize your marriage. Even just doing something like playing miniature golf together, or skipping stones on a pond, or going for a drive with no destination in mind can do wonders.

For many couples, the more spontaneous the activity, the better. As we settle into marriage and deal with jobs, children, and chores, things tend to become scheduled and routine. Doing something spontaneous shakes things up and helps you and your spouse rediscover the spark that you had when you first met.

Sure, there will always be routine in marriage - no couple can sustain that lovestruck honeymoon phase every single day - but making time for those special, silly, wonderous moments will help with surviving infedelity, and will bring you closer than ever... and there won't ever be any reason for cheating again.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Welcome to Surviving Infedelity!

surviving infedelityThanks for visiting "Surviving Infedelity" - If you've landed on this page, it's probably not under the best of circumstances. Your relationship is probably dealing with an infedelity issue... and you and your partner are under a lot of stress. Will your relationship continue? How can you and your partner ever get past the feelings of guilt and blame? Will the affair end?

If your relationship is suffering from this struggle, I am deeply sorry. The flood of emotions are almost more than anyone can take... but it's the emotions that ultimately destroy the relationship, not the infedelity itself.

See, I've worked with dozens of couples who have successfully bounced back from infedelity issues... and gone on to build relationships that are stronger and happier than ever!

How is this possible?

Well, I've found that with the right knowledge and mindset, nearly any relationship can be saved, no matter how bad the problems have become. Even whoppers like bankruptcy, dishonesty, and yes, infedelity can be overcome. The real problem is, most couples don't know how to effectively address problems in their relationships... that's why they are in trouble in the first place!

If you're struggling with infedelity, relax. Your relationship can be saved too. It's going to take a lot of work (particularly if your partner is the one cheating, and isn't willing to give up the affair yet), but with the right techniques, you can make your partner forget all about the other person and fall madly in love with you again.

You're probably going to have to do a lot of the initial work on your own... so it might be a good idea to find a course or book that will help you learn how to get your partner on board with saving the relationship. I personally recommend Save the Marriage - it's saved thousands of relationships (including my own).

Surviving infedelity can be tough... but if you had the courage to search for and find this site, then you have the courage to save your relationship!